Red ruby beef
Our beef comes from our pedigree organic suckler herd of Red Ruby Devon cattle, born and reared on the farm. The calves stay with their mothers for the first nine months,growing strong and healthy on their mothers milk, and remain on the farm all their lives grazing the lush pastures of Summerhill.
Our beef is hung for a minimum of 2 weeks to allow the flavour and texture to develop.
We take great pride in our herd and they are a central part of the farm system. Red Rubies have an easy going and gentle nature and are a pleasure to work with. An organic suckler herd is a more sustainable and environmentally friendly way of producing beef. Animal welfare is of paramount importance and all our meat is fully traceable.

If lamb is your preferred Sunday roast then our grass fed organic lamb provides excellent lean meat which is full of flavour.
Available as half or whole lamb boxes. Lambing in the spring means that the ewes and lambs can benefit from the summer grazing to produce top quality lamb in the autumn.Our small flock of Black Welsh Mountain sheep help maintain the pasture and follow the cattle, grazing more tightly and 'tidying up' after them.

Bees in the Summerhill apiary help pollinate the flowers and crops around the farm and produce lovely honey available in our farm larder/honesty shop.

Ben's Hens.
Our small flock of hens range freely in our orchard which provides the perfect diet for the best tasting eggs.
The apple trees are a mix of eaters and Bramleys and the apples blend together to produce a lovely apple juice with the perfect tang.